Setup Email On Mobile

On iPhone, We use Mail App iOS


Go to Setting — Mail

    1. Account — Add Account
    1. Other — Add Mail Account
    1. Fill informatoin

    1. Input Server Configuration Information on new account

    1. Incoming Mail Server Setting
      — Hostname:
      — Username: [Input Your Email Address]
      — Password: [Input Your Email Password]
  • IMAP Setting Port ( shown in the picture)
    — Authentication: Password (This is default)
    — Use SSL: Yes
    — Port: 993

    1. Outgoing Mail Server Setting
      — Hostname:
      — Username: [Input Your Email Address]
      — Password: [Input Your Email Password]

  • SMTP Setting Port ( shown in the picture)
    — Authentication: Password (This is default)
    — Use SSL: Yes
    — Port: 587

7. Done